
  • Why are veterans getting sick?

    Why are veterans getting sick?

    March 19, 2004 By David Lawrence

    America’s recent wars have killed many hundreds of American soldiers on the battlefields.

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  • The costs of perpetual war

    The costs of perpetual war

    March 19, 2004 By David Eisenhower

    The War Resister’s League estimates that in fiscal year 2005 the Bush administration’s imperial war budget will top $935 billion.

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  • Haitians resisting U.S. occupation

    Haitians resisting U.S. occupation

    March 19, 2004

    Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s arrival in Jamaica this week, two weeks after he was kidnapped in Port-au-Prince and flown to the Central African Republic in a U.S.-engineered coup, has infuriated the Bush administration and Haiti’s wealthy...

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  • Whats behind Sharons disengagement?

    Whats behind Sharons disengagement?

    March 19, 2004

    On March 15, Israel’s parliament barely approved the scheme put forward by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, with U.S. approval, to unilaterally “disengage” from the Gaza Strip by evacuating most of the Jewish settlements in the narrow...

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  • Interview: A father speaks out so no more will die

    Interview: A father speaks out so no more will die

    March 19, 2004

    LAWRENCE, Mass. – “My son has to be a symbol of peace,” Fernando Suárez del Solar told this reporter in an interview here March 9. His son Jesús, a lance corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps,...

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