
  • Momentum builds for March 20 peace rallies

    Momentum builds for March 20 peace rallies

    February 20, 2004

    NEW YORK – Preparations are well under way for another major display of antiwar sentiment here on March 20, the one-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. “People are responding to this because...

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  • Soldiers dad: Aid needed for Baghdad hospital

    Soldiers dad: Aid needed for Baghdad hospital

    February 20, 2004

    SAN DIEGO – Fernando Suárez del Solar is a man with a mission. Meeting this determined and compassionate father at a local social justice center here (a pink house on a working-class street corner) evokes a...

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  • In slap at Bush, Senate to probe WMD lies

    In slap at Bush, Senate to probe WMD lies

    February 19, 2004 By Susan Webb

    The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence handed President Bush a direct challenge when it announced Feb. 12 that it will investigate whether Bush and other top officials misused and manipulated intelligence to make a case for...

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  • South Carolinians fight for free speech

    South Carolinians fight for free speech

    February 19, 2004

    CHARLESTON, S.C. – When George W. Bush spoke at a waterfront terminal here Feb. 5, two days after the South Carolina primary, scores of protesters picketed outside chanting “U.S. out of Iraq.” The demonstration was sponsored...

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  • Winds of change sweep Cyprus

    Winds of change sweep Cyprus

    February 19, 2004 By John Bachtell

    On Feb. 13 Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders and the United Nations announced agreement on a historic framework that could result in the reunification of Cyprus by May 1.

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