
  • A better world is possible: The struggle for socialism and democracy

    A better world is possible: The struggle for socialism and democracy

    February 13, 2004 By Jarvis Tyner

    The best hopes and dreams of the U.S. people do not lie with U.S. big corporations or the extreme right-wing movements they sponsor. In fact, the ultimate interest of the majority of our people is in...

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  • CPUSA urges global solidarity

    CPUSA urges global solidarity

    February 13, 2004

    The National Committee of the Communist Party USA adopted the following solidarity resolutions during its meeting in New York on Feb. 1, 2004.Free the Cuban 5! The incarceration of Gerardo Hernández, René González, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón...

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  • Guantanamo detentions under fire

    Guantanamo detentions under fire

    February 13, 2004

    The detention center at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, described by various organizations as a “legal black hole,” continues to draw criticism from many sources. Numerous cracks are appearing in the government’s case...

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  • After Lord Hutton whitewash: Tony Blair still faces trust dilemma

    After Lord Hutton whitewash: Tony Blair still faces trust dilemma

    February 13, 2004

    News Analysis LONDON – The last couple of weeks have been eventful ones in British politics. Last month, Prime Minister Tony Blair was faced with what was being touted as the “toughest week yet” of his...

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  • Bush cover-up seen: Lawmakers urge independent commission

    Bush cover-up seen: Lawmakers urge independent commission

    February 13, 2004

    With the anniversary of the preemptive “Operation Iraqi Freedom” approaching in the midst of the presidential primaries, body counts and budget expenditures are growing and no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction are to be found. As...

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