
  • Bush runs for cover on WMD lies

    Bush runs for cover on WMD lies

    February 6, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Following the declaration by President Bush’s chief U.S. weapons hunter David Kay that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction prior to the U.S. invasion – the administration’s stated reason for the Iraq war – Bush’s...

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  • School of Assassins protesters sentenced

    School of Assassins protesters sentenced

    February 5, 2004

    FORT BENNING, Ga. – The trials of 27 people arrested here for their November protest of the infamous “School of the Assassins” began Jan. 26 before a federal magistrate. Of the 27 who were arrested during...

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  • Patriotism and the left

    Patriotism and the left

    January 30, 2004

    Why is it necessary for the left to examine the concept of patriotism? Because millions of Americans believe in it, cutting across all class and color lines. It will not become possible to defeat George W....

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  • U.S. war on Colombian rebels escalates

    U.S. war on Colombian rebels escalates

    January 30, 2004

    The beginning of the new year coincided with a new, menacing increase in U.S. hostilities against the Colombian guerrilla movement, particularly against the 40-year-old Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). A number of signs point to...

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  • Bushs deepening quagmire in Iraq

    Bushs deepening quagmire in Iraq

    January 30, 2004

    The Bush administration encountered several new headaches this week in its effort to justify and maintain its occupation of Iraq. First among these was the dramatic admission by chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay that Saddam...

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