Pitney Bowes pays lawmakers to push privatizing Post Office
January 14, 2013Under this plan, financed by Pitney Bowes, the entire Postal Service would become a series of private companies.
Read moreThe truth about teacher tenure
September 11, 2012A fight over teacher tenure is now raging because so-called education reformers have set their sights on destroying public education under the guise of saving it.
Read more“Won’t Back Down” draws controversy
August 30, 2012The soon-to-be-released film "Won't Back Down" is already drawing criticism from teacher and public school advocates.
Read moreUnion fights scheme to privatize NYC parking meters
August 6, 2012If New York's 90,000 meters are sold, private owners would reap profits for years while the city would be left with an annual $150 million revenue hole for decades.
Read moreBeware: “Pro-child” groups press corporate schools agenda
July 10, 2012The petition site recently dropped the misleadingly named "StudentsFirst" and "Stand for Children" as paying clients.This came after public pressure including a counter-petition by a Chicago teacher.
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