public schools
Things Youngkin didn’t mention about the history of education in Virginia
November 5, 2021Education itself in the state is a product of the fight to undo the legacy of slavery and oppression.
Read moreScranton School System forces teachers to strike
November 3, 2021After years with no contract, teachers are told they must big increases in their share of the cost of health coverage.
Read moreTexas teachers campaign against Republicans’ school charter bill
April 27, 2021Unions note that under-performing charter schools in the state are being overfunded at the expense of public schools.
Read moreColegios privados se apropian del presupuesto de las escuelas públicas
June 28, 2019"Es indignante que colegios que cobran matrículas exhorbitantes y se encuentran en crisis económica aspiren a salvar su situación a costa del dinero de los estudiantes de escuela pública", señaló la portavoz de la FMPR.
Read moreIndiana teachers join nationwide movement to save public education
March 11, 2019Tax money meant for public schools has been diverted to a failing charter school system. Indiana teachers are saying enough is enough.
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