Racist voter suppression tilting elections in GOP’s favor
April 24, 2018This modern day 'poll tax' is a racist effort to prevent African-American and Latino voters from exercising their democratic rights and casting their ballots.
Read moreDo black lives matter in Israel?
April 20, 2018The Israeli government is giving its 40,000 African refugees a choice: Take $3,500 and get out of the country or go to prison.
Read moreBaseball’s Larry Doby: #2 but first-class all the way home
April 17, 2018Ask even the most casual baseball fan who the first African American to play in the major leagues was and they'll say "Jackie Robinson." Ask them who the second was and you'll probably get a blank...
Read moreThe end of Jim Crow baseball and the rise of Jim Crow football
April 16, 2018Seventy-one years ago, the Daily Worker exposed the “Crimes of the Big Leagues.” Today, with the case of Colin Kaepernick, it's the Crimes of the National Football League.
Read more‘The Souls of Poor Folk’: Saving the soul of U.S. democracy
April 13, 2018The report is not intended to remain on the shelf as a passive record of injustices. Rather, it is a tool for combating damning myths about poverty and organizing struggle.
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