UPS fires 250 workers: class struggle, NY-style (with video)
April 1, 2014On Feb. 26, UPS fired a 24-year UPS worker and union activist who was protesting the grueling 12-hour days during a bitter winter, and the company's unwillingness to reach an agreement addressing the issue.
Read moreStudents support successful union drive for campus workers
April 1, 2014Cafeteria workers, angry at cuts made by management, approached Local 1000 in Grapevine, who sent organizers and the new leader of the Young Workers Council to the university.
Read moreAFL-CIO leads demonstration for minimum wage hike outside Heritage Foundation
March 31, 2014The labor movement turned up the heat today on opponents of a minimum wage increase by gathering outside of the Heritage Foundation.
Read moreWhat Target says in new video is not what Target means
March 31, 2014Target has long been anti-union, and it has a new version of its hilarious propaganda video meant to scare workers away from organizing for a voice on the job.
Read moreUnions hail NLRB official’s ruling that college athletes can unionize
March 28, 2014It would be a landmark victory for college athletes, whose scholarships are now awarded at the whim of their institutions and who have little or no protection against on-the-job injuries.
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