Philly hunger strikers fast for safe schools
June 25, 2013"This is breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every day, for eight days," said Patricia Norris as she held up her bottle of water. Norris is on a "water only" fast outside Republican Gov. Tom Corbett's regional office.
Read moreNew York teachers back Thompson for mayor
June 24, 2013This city's huge teachers' union has selected the candidate it prefers in the mayoral race now underway here.
Read moreToday in labor history: Activist Agnes Nestor born
June 24, 2013On June 24, 1880, labor and women's rights activist Agnes Nestor was born in Grand Rapids, Mich. She moved to Chicago in 1897 and started working at the age of 14 in the glove industry
Read moreToday in labor history: American Railway Union founded
June 20, 2013On this day in 1893, the American Railway Union - one of the first industrial unions in the United States - was founded.
Read moreService Employees plan massive response to GOP’s immigrant bashing
June 20, 2013"If they thought 2012 was bad" in terms of the tide of Latino votes against the GOP, "wait 'till 2014 and 2016."
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