A plea for Liliany Obando, Colombian political prisoner
August 9, 2011Class conflict, rural - urban divisions, and impunity for criminals created circumstances putting Obando and other political activists at high risk.
Read moreWorkers see sugar lockout as part of bigger anti-union push
August 9, 2011Workers believe that American Crystal Sugar has locked out 1,300 employees at seven plants in three states in order to take advantage of the nationwide attacks on unions.
Read more45,000 Verizon workers strike over company greed
August 8, 2011The 45,000 strikers walked off the job this weekend because the company has refused to budge since negotiations began July 22.
Read more1,300 locked out sugar workers fight for jobs, families
August 4, 2011Workers are locked outside company gates as their union battles an employer they say is determined to slash health benefits and weaken job security.
Read moreLabor says jobs deficit is the real crisis
August 2, 2011Labor leaders say the nation's real crisis is not a debt crisis but an unemployment crisis and spending cuts could, in fact, spiral the country into an even deeper recession.
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