We Are One on May Day
April 22, 2011International Worker's Day has come home. Out of the depths of the raging class war against public workers, their unions and all working people, has arisen a call by the labor movement from Wisconsin to Connecticut...
Read moreRecall fight makes history in Wisconsin
April 19, 2011Supporters of public-sector unions in Wisconsin filed enough petition signatures to force two Republican senators into recall elections, only four of which have ever been carried out in the state's history.
Read moreLaHood “had no idea” air traffic controllers were tired
April 19, 2011The problem started 30 years ago when Reagan fired the air traffic controllers who were protesting the very conditions that led to this debacle.
Read moreUnion leaders urge: Act now to stop paycheck “protection” laws
April 14, 2011"This is about eliminating the organizations that represent people. With one vote they are trying to take away our rights."
Read moreNews flash: Americans aren’t anti-worker
April 12, 2011Polls have found Wisconsin Gov. Walker's union-busting tactics to be widely unpopular despite the major media's presumption that the opposite would be true.
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