united nations
Cuba hosts G77+China summit, aims to build ‘a new economic world order’
September 15, 2023The meeting sets to chart a path away from “an increasingly exclusive, unfair, unjust, and plundering international order.”
Read moreU.S. pushing for a fresh military intervention in Haiti
August 3, 2023The U.S. has been lobbying Canada to use its French-speaking military to lead an invasion.
Read moreWant to see how foreign policy should be crafted? Look to Vietnam
July 21, 2023Looking at things from the U.S., you’d think international affairs must always be conflictual and confrontational. But there’s another way.
Read moreONU golpea con fuerza bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba
July 5, 2023Recientemente, sin embargo, Naciones Unidas lanzó una denuncia que tiene una fuerza inusual, principalmente debido a la autoridad legal de la ONU y su experiencia práctica en Cuba.
Read moreUN forcefully hits at U.S. blockade of Cuba
July 3, 2023UN denunciation of U.S. Cuba policy carries weight with countries around the world.
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