workers rights
Today in labor history: Freedom Riders attacked in Alabama
May 14, 2013On May 14, 1961, Freedom Riders were brutally attacked by violent, well-armed and organized mobs of Klansmen and other terrorists in Anniston and Birmingham, Ala., with the support of local law enforcement and politicians.
Read moreAFL-CIO: Penalize Bangladesh until it protects workers
May 14, 2013The AFL-CIO is demanding the U.S. government yank trade preferences from Bangladesh until that South Asian nation really shows a commitment to protecting its workers.
Read moreNY City Council passes family leave
May 14, 2013By a 45-3 margin, the NYC Council on May 8 passed a bill mandating paid sick or family leave for millions of workers in thousands of businesses. The margin can override any threatened mayoral veto.
Read moreOn anniversary of free trade deal, Colombian workers face turning point
May 10, 2013After decades of displacement, war and poverty, workers in Colombia face the possibility of a better life.
Read moreToday in labor history: The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters founded
May 8, 2013Representing the Pullman Porters, the Brotherhood was the first African-American labor union to sign a collective bargaining agreement with a major U.S. corporation.
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