Eric A. Gordon
“Do You Dream in Color? Insights from a Girl Without Sight”
October 24, 2013"My purpose is to be an artist, educator, responsible tax-paying citizen, and a contributing member to society who just so happens to be blind."
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AFL-CIO blasts big business prison profiteers
September 10, 2013The nation's prison population exploded from 500,000 to 2.2 million between 1980 and 2011, in the decades since the for-profit business of incarceration was born.
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How to build our union movement: Ideas from LA
September 9, 2013LOS ANGELES - As the AFL-CIO prepared to open its national convention here, two dozen committed union members and supporters voiced a slew of ideas for revitalizing the U.S. labor movement.
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Writers union vows support for whistleblowers
September 6, 2013CHICAGO - The National Writers Union, Local 1981 of the United Auto Workers, held its biannual Delegates Assembly here recently.
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Join LA “listening session”: Working people must be heard!
August 20, 2013The AFL-CIO, in advance of its September convention, has issued a call for "listening sessions," a way for working people and allies to come together and add their creative ideas and strategies.
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“Conduct of Saints”: conscience, crime, and Catholics in post-Nazi Rome
August 8, 2013Emanating from a small publishing house, this novel likely has no five- or six-figure advertising budget, and may escape notice. Make sure your local library gets it.
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“Fruitvale Station”: an American tragedy
July 29, 2013Ryan Coogler gives us Fruitvale Station as a symbolic recapitulation of the Stations of the Cross, recounting the last 30-plus hours of Oscar Grant III's life.
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It’s always Passover: Freedom is a process
March 28, 2013This is the season of Passover, the Jewish holiday of freedom from slavery in Egypt. Even if never substantiated as a historical event, it nevertheless has inspired liberation struggles all over the world.
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