Mark Gruenberg
AFL-CIO: Penalize Bangladesh until it protects workers
May 14, 2013The AFL-CIO is demanding the U.S. government yank trade preferences from Bangladesh until that South Asian nation really shows a commitment to protecting its workers.
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Appeals court tosses NLRB’s workers rights poster rule
May 13, 2013This was yet another victory for big business handed down by GOP-named judges.
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Analysts say bill would extend labor law protection to immigrants
May 13, 2013A close reading of the draft comprehensive immigration reform bill discloses provisions to bring undocumented workers under labor law coverage.
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ExxonMobil threatens to lock out union workers
May 2, 2013ExxonMobil's flat refusal to deal with safety issues at the largest refinery in the U.S. in Baytown, Texas has led the oil firm to threaten to lock out its 850 union employees.
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GOP senators push bill to kill NLRB
May 2, 2013Eleven Senate Republicans have introduced a bill to virtually shut down the National Labor Relations Board.
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Protests force feds to back down on airplane knives
April 25, 2013Union protests forced the Obama administration's TSA to yank its plan to let airplane passengers bring small knives aboard planes.
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Report: Food on American tables costs a life a day
April 25, 2013The food on your dining table comes at a particularly high price, and we don't mean in dollars and cents; we mean in lives.
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Union leaders reiterate support for immigration reform
April 24, 2013Union leaders have strongly supported comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to eventual legalization and citizenship for 11 million undocumented people.
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