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    61-70 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • GOPs deafening silence on civil rights after 9/11

    October 01, 2004

    Organizers of the Republican National Convention in New York City took every opportunity to use the image of the Statue of Liberty — on giant banners hanging outside Madison Square Garden, and as the backdrop for a speech by Vice President Cheney delivered from Ellis Island. Something is terribly wrong with this picture, however. The symbolism is strong, but the substance is missing. While the vice president gave his speech,...

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  • Who is the real Alberto Gonzales?

    December 03, 2004

    News Analysis Attorney General John Ashcroft has departed. Some see his designated successor, presidential legal advisor Alberto Gonzales, as an improvement, perhaps because he is a Mexican-American from humble roots, or because he has been attacked by the religious right for not being an anti-abortion extremist. But the ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights and others warn that Gonzales has functioned more like a Mafia counselor, a consigliere, than an...

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  • Hundreds gather at counter-recruiting conference

    November 04, 2005

    BERKELEY, Calif. — As the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq neared the 2,000 mark, nearly 500 university and high school students, military resisters, veterans and peace activists gathered on the UC Berkeley campus Oct. 22-23 for “On the Frontlines: Options for Youth in Times of War.” While most participants were from California, some came from as far away as New York state. The conference, co-sponsored by Military Out...

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  • Mounting uproar over secret CIA prisons and torture

    November 11, 2005

    News Analysis Shakespeare’s line, “When troubles come, they come not as single spies, but in battalions,” may well apply to the Bush administration. On top of Iraq and New Orleans and the debacle of Harriet Miers, comes what could be a huge international scandal affecting the United States and its relationship with allies in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. Dana Priest of the Washington Post reported Nov. 2 that the Central...

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  • Houstonians demand: Clean the House - Dump DeLay!

    December 10, 2005

    HOUSTON — Over 300 activists gathered on Dec. 5 to give Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Sugar Land) and Vice President Dick Cheney a warm welcome here by shouting, “Clean the House — Dump DeLay” during rush-hour traffic. The protesters gathered in the front of the Galleria shopping center where DeLay was holding a fund raiser in the Westin Hotel. The Galleria shopping center is one of the most up-scale shopping centers...

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  • News censorship exposed again

    January 13, 2006

    Censored 2006: The Top 25 Censored Stories By Peter Phillips and Project Censored Seven Stories Press, 2005 Softcover, 432 pp., $18.95 Corporate concentration in the news media continues to take a toll. Trivialization of news that blurs the distinction between news and entertainment and under-reporting of serious issues are the trends. “Censored 2006: The Top 25 Censored Stories” is Project Censored’s examination of the crucial stories that the corporate-owned media...

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  • Russia demands U.N. investigate Nord Stream pipeline sabotage; U.S. calls request a 'distraction'

    February 23, 2023By Roger McKenzie

    Allegations are swirling that the U.S., with the help of Norway, blew up the pipelines last fall in order to cut off Russian energy sales to Europe.

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  • CIA tape trashing suggests a cover-up

    January 11, 2008

    A new firestorm is raging over the Bush administration’s use of torture in its “war on terror,” ignited by CIA Director Michael Hayden’s admission that the spy agency destroyed videotapes of its interrogation of two detainees. Hayden claimed the videotapes were destroyed in 2005 to protect the identity of CIA agents who conducted the interrogations of suspected Al-Qaeda operatives Abu Zubaida and Abd Al-Rahim Al-Nashiri in 2002. Sen. Edward Kennedy...

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  • International notes

    July 16, 2004

    Colombia: Cheaper to shoot unionists than to negotiate A new report by the London-based International Commission for Labor Rights (ICLR) concludes that in Colombia it’s quicker, cheaper and less risky for employers to kill trade unionists involved in an employment dispute than it is to use legal procedures to resolve their differences, reports Mary Engqvist of ANNCOL, a Colombian news service. According to the ICLR, over three-quarters of the world’s...

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  • Rumsfeld sued for allowing torture

    May 13, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Defenders of human rights have hailed as long overdue a lawsuit holding Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld responsible for the torture of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan. Filed March 1 in an Illinois federal court by the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights First, the lawsuit charges that Rumsfeld violated the U.S. Constitution and international laws prohibiting torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of prisoners. Rumsfeld knew...

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