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    81-90 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • U.S. troops morale plummets in Iraq

    July 11, 2003By Susan Webb

    President Bush shocked many people last week when he responded to the increasing attacks on American troops in Iraq by saying, “My answer is, bring them on.” A day after his comic-book-style comment, 10 U.S. soldiers were wounded in three incidents.

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  • White House put itself above the law

    June 11, 2004By Susan Webb

    Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia is sitting in an Army brig at Ft. Sill, Okla., because he rejected the torture and brutality carried out by U.S. occupation forces in Iraq. Mejia served eight years in the Army National Guard and eight months in Iraq before refusing to go back to his unit there.

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  • NATIONAL CLIPS: November 17

    November 16, 2007By Denise Winebrenner Edwards

    LONG BEACH, Calif.: Antiwar vets barred from parade OLYMPIA, Wash.: Peace activists arrested for blocking military gear PALO ALTO, Calif.: Stanford students say no to Rumsfeld LEWISTON, Maine: Somali American runner charges foul play

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  • Italian reporter: My truth and consequences of a dirty war

    March 11, 2005

    Little did Giuliana Sgrena know that after she had been released by her captors in Iraq she faced a bigger obstacle to her freedom: the U.S. occupation forces.

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  • Shocking reports reveal U.S. torture widespread

    May 27, 2005By Susan Webb

    ‘Architects of torture policy must be held accountable’ New reports of torture of detainees show the U.S. as a global enforcer gone wild.

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  • Calls grow to close Gitmo jail, seek truth on Downing Street Memo

    June 10, 2005By Susan Webb

    In the wake of charges by Amnesty International that U.S. detention centers at Guantanamo and elsewhere constitute “the gulag of our times,” one of the Senate’s leading Democrats, Sen. Joseph Biden (Del.), and former President Jimmy Carter called for closing the Guantanamo prison, and even Republicans said they would hold congressional hearings on U.S. treatment of detainees.

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  • Soldiers say Im not going back

    June 18, 2004By Susan Webb

    These days, GI rights counseling coordinator Bill Galvin is getting at least four or five calls a day from soldiers saying, “I’ve gotten orders to go to Iraq and I don’t want to go.” click here for Spanish text

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  • The Republicans gaps and lies

    September 10, 2004

    News Analysis The Republican convention was filled with gaps and lies and the anti-Bush coalition should take note of them and not be demoralized by corporate media spin.

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  • This week in history: International Day of the Disappeared

    August 29, 2016By Special to People’s World

    The international day was created to draw attention to the fate of individuals imprisoned at places and under poor conditions unknown to their relatives.

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  • Public outcry grows over Iraq abuse photos

    May 15, 2009

    President Barack Obama said yesterday he will try to prevent the court-ordered release of photos that depict U.S. troops abusing prisoners. He said his sudden reversal reflected fear that the photos would “further inflame anti-American opinion” and endanger U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The administration had originally said it would not resist an appeals court ruling that set a May 28 deadline for releasing photos of military misconduct. Generals...

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