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    71-80 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • Scapegoats of U.S. executives and endless blood

    February 28, 2008

    Film Review Taxi to the Darkside Directed by Alex Gibney Jigsaw Productions 106 min., Rated R When you grasp the madness that’s exposed in Alex Gibney’s Academy Award nominated “Taxi to the Darkside,” (Gibney also directed the acclaimed “Enron, the Smartest Guys in the Room”) you wonder if there is a connection between that madness we’re watching on screen and the fact that within 48 hours of the polls closing...

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  • Cost of Iraq war: More than we can bear

    October 15, 2004

    WASHINGTON — Oceans of red ink. Oceans of blood. Those grim phrases could be a subtitle of a just-released report on the soaring costs of the Iraq war. The document debunks George W. Bush’s claims that the war is a success and the U.S. is safer. The report by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF) is titled “A Failed ‘Transition’: The Mounting Costs of...

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  • Letters

    May 27, 2005

    Mark Twain and Jonathan Swift move over… Alberta’s new oil reserves are huge. Does this mean Bush will invade Canada next? When I opened up the San Francisco Chronicle, this was the headline: “Canadian oil sands — vast reserves second only to Saudi Arabia.” Then there was a graph. Apparently, Saudi Arabia has 259 billion barrels of oil in reserve, Canada has 180 billion barrels and Iraq only has 113...

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  • Chicago torture probe draws worldwide attention

    June 30, 2006

    CHICAGO — As many as 200 people, mostly African American men, were allegedly tortured while in the custody of the Chicago Police Department during the 1970s and ’80s. The goal, victims charge, was to force them to falsely confess to crimes they did not commit. Some of the torture victims, based on their “confessions,” were sentenced to death row. Several were subsequently found innocent and released. Many are still in...

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  • Veterans, families and unionists testify to Iraq War's true cost

    February 06, 2009By JF Allen

    CHICAGO -- Unionists, elected officials and several hundred assorted spectators gathered in downtown Chicago at the Teamster City Auditorium, recently, to hear testimony from Iraqi war veterans and others directly affected by the war. The hearing, entitled “War's Real Impact: Our Voices”, sought to bring attention to the hardship and suffering incurred on veterans, workers, military families and students.

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  • Entrapment, food wars, and capitalism in three films

    May 15, 2014By Bill Meyer

    A film that debuted at the recentTribeca Film Festivaloffers compelling evidence that our government has gone too far in "protecting" its citizens.

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  • Rape, killings of Iraqis called tip of the iceberg

    July 14, 2006By Susan Webb

    Former Army Pfc. Steven Green was arrested this month and charged with raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and murdering her, her parents and her 5-year-old sister on March 12 in Mahmudiyah, Iraq.

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  • "Sarajevo": Saga of 1914 joins ranks of great pacifist films

    June 27, 2014By Ed Rampell

    Like Oliver Stone in JFK, Sarajevo's director Andreas Prochaska and writer Martin Ambrosch have created a counter-narrative to the official version of why the archduke was shot.

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  • Bloody fiasco must end

    May 07, 2004By David Eisenhower

    Enough. The colonial pipedreams of G.W. Bush’s gang of neo-conservatives is creating a humanitarian and military catastrophe in Iraq.

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  • Liar, liar

    June 25, 2004By Susan Webb

    In a devastating blow to George W. Bush’s most powerful rationale for the invasion of Iraq, the bipartisan September 11th commission found no link between Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 attacks, and no evidence of collaboration between Hussein and Al Qaeda.

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