Article Listing

  • Three of Eleven of Four

    Three of Eleven of Four

    May 17, 2005

    (3-11-04, the day after the 2004 presidential election) The year was 2004, and it was the morning of November third the day that America's symbol of the bald eagle was traded for the do do bird...

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  • A dangerous precedent…

    A dangerous precedent…

    May 13, 2005

    Refuse a medical procedure or undergo one? Matters of life or death. These are difficult, painful and deeply personal issues, which individuals and families confront daily. Who makes such stressful decisions? If not the individual, then...

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  • FBI agent admits: no case vs. Cuban 5

    FBI agent admits: no case vs. Cuban 5

    May 13, 2005

    There was no evidence the Cuban Five posed a threat to the U.S., the lead FBI investigator in the case has admitted. In May 1998 Hector Pesquera led the FBI’s efforts in Miami to formulate a...

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  • 800 towns and cities say: Enough!

    800 towns and cities say: Enough!

    May 13, 2005

    ‘No more bodies, no more crying, no more war’ FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — Cindy Sheehan, a founding member of Gold Star Parents for Peace, moved many to tears as she told 4,800 antiwar protesters here March 19...

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  • ‘Storm Signals’

    ‘Storm Signals’

    May 13, 2005

    Upon leaving Grenada after a visit during the U.S. invasion and occupation in October 1983, then-Secretary of State George Schultz looked out of his official jet at the lush greenery below and proclaimed, “What a lovely...

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