Article Listing

  • Bushs working retirement: Work till you drop

    Bushs working retirement: Work till you drop

    May 13, 2005 By Art Perlo

    “First there was the working lunch, then the working vacation. Now, thanks to George Bush, we are threatened with the working retirement.” That’s the opening of a dramatic new television ad from, opposing the administration’s...

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  • Sinn Fein leader meets with NYC transit workers

    Sinn Fein leader meets with NYC transit workers

    May 13, 2005

    NEW YORK — Gerry Adams, member of parliament from Northern Ireland and the president of Sinn Fein, the political party of the Irish republican movement, addressed a capacity crowd of trade unionists and guests at a...

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  • Students hungry for justice for campus workers

    Students hungry for justice for campus workers

    May 13, 2005 By Matt Murtagh

    WASHINGTON — Georgetown University is the new battleground for social justice in our nation. Twenty-two student activists, members of the Living Wage Coalition, took the heroic step of declaring a hunger strike here March 15. They...

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  • Grassroots defense of Social Security deepens

    Grassroots defense of Social Security deepens

    May 13, 2005

    Bush got a rocky welcome to Denver, March 21, in the 17th stop on his 60-city, election-style campaign to sell the privatization of Social Security. “We’re here to tell him to go back home!” Colorado AFL-CIO...

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  • Ex-soldier says he was asked to kill Haitian leader

    Ex-soldier says he was asked to kill Haitian leader

    May 13, 2005

    Anel Belizaire, an ex-soldier in Haiti who recently escaped from the National Penitentiary in Port-au-Prince, says that someone from interim Prime Minister Gerard Latortue’s office asked him last month to murder fellow inmate Yvon Neptune. Neptune...

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