Article Listing

  • From Selma to Ohio

    From Selma to Ohio

    May 13, 2005

    The 1965 Selma, Ala., events were a milestone in the great struggle for liberation. With the overthrow of Reconstruction in 1877, it had been a long, bloody road of struggle against the system of Jim Crow...

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  • Ownership society  but who really owns it?

    Ownership society but who really owns it?

    May 13, 2005 By Susan Webb

    The New Deal of the 1930s can be seen as a response to the reality of socialism born in 1917, when the Russian Revolution thrust on the world’s action agenda the vision of a society based...

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  • Breaking the shackles: Cote d’Ivoire struggles against neocolonialism

    Breaking the shackles: Cote d’Ivoire struggles against neocolonialism

    May 13, 2005

    Jean-Baptiste Gomont Diagou wants to set the record straight about the conflict besetting Côte d’Ivoire, his home country. The Western media has portrayed the strife as religion-based, pitting the predominantly Muslim north against the south’s Christian...

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  • Price indexing and Social Security: A time bomb

    Price indexing and Social Security: A time bomb

    May 13, 2005

    People Before Profits Private accounts have been the center of controversy in the Social Security debate, but the hidden time bomb is Bush’s proposal to change the way retirees’ starting benefits are determined. “Price indexing” is...

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  • Clergy and laity criticize GOP hypocrisy

    Clergy and laity criticize GOP hypocrisy

    May 13, 2005

    WASHINGTON — “Culture of life” has become one of President George W. Bush’s clichés even as he sows death and destruction here and abroad. Bush seized on the Terri Schiavo tragedy to whip up nationwide “pro-life”...

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