Article Listing

  • They are killing people for money

    They are killing people for money

    May 13, 2005

    TEXAS CITY, Texas — “They are killing people for money,” a retired union carpenter told me as I was standing in front of the British Petroleum refinery plant here, March 26. I drove the 60 miles...

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  • Eyes Wide Open dramatizes human cost of Iraq war

    Eyes Wide Open dramatizes human cost of Iraq war

    May 13, 2005

    SAN FRANCISCO — It was billed as a press conference. But what really happened in Civic Center Plaza on the morning of March 25 was an hour-long, intensely moving memorial tribute to the 1,525 U.S. soldiers...

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  • Health care racism kills 83,000 yearly

    Health care racism kills 83,000 yearly

    May 13, 2005

    A report in the March/April issue of the journal Health Affairs estimates that 83,570 excess African American deaths occur each year as a direct result of health care disparities between Blacks and whites. The report, whose...

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  • Student-labor victory at Georgetown U: Unity wins living wage for campus

    Student-labor victory at Georgetown U: Unity wins living wage for campus

    May 13, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Georgetown University workers won a tremendous living wage victory last week. After months of organizing and a nine-day hunger strike, a student-labor alliance at Georgetown won a $14-an-hour wage for 452 fulltime contract campus...

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  • Wal-Mart freeloads off Georgia kids

    Wal-Mart freeloads off Georgia kids

    May 13, 2005

    Thousands of Georgia kids are going without health care as a result of Wal-Mart’s freeloading on the state’s health care program for poor children, according to a state legislator in Georgia, where a $5 million health...

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