Article Listing

  • No mandate from women of color

    No mandate from women of color

    January 21, 2005

    OPINION Millions of people worked as hard as they possibly could to turn the country onto a different path and still the village idiot was elected. What to make of such an outcome? What do we...

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  • Social Security snow job

    Social Security snow job

    January 21, 2005

    OPINION Winter is here, and in keeping with the season the Republican White House is planning a carefully crafted campaign of obfuscation (i.e., a snow job!) in an effort to convince present and future retirees and...

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  • Federal campaign laws undermine democracy

    Federal campaign laws undermine democracy

    January 21, 2005

    OPINION Over the past four years we have seen a broad progressive movement emerge on a grand scale. Although it did not stop Bush on Nov. 2, this relatively new movement was able to deliver at...

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    January 21, 2005

    What is a moral value? I’d like to thank Stewart Acuff for his opinion piece “Restoring workers’ rights is a moral value.” I don’t speak of it often but everything I do and believe stems from...

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    January 21, 2005

    A grotesque inaugural Bush’s second inauguration was an obscene display of what social theorist Thorstein Veblen called “conspicuous consumption” — the flaunting of wealth by the rich to serve their image. Even before thinking about the...

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