Article Listing

  • A failing grade: Charter schools and education reform

    A failing grade: Charter schools and education reform

    January 21, 2005

    Charter schools are a major aspect of the political right wing’s education reform agenda, which also includes vouchers and privatization. Turning failing schools into charter schools is one of the No Child Left Behind law’s sanctions,...

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  • Babies have a right to live

    Babies have a right to live

    January 21, 2005

    The Cuban Ministry of Health recently announced Cuba’s best-ever infant mortality rate (IMR). In 2004, out of every 1,000 babies born, only 5.8 died during their first year of life. Cubans take a broader view of...

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  • Chief exonerated 150 years too late

    Chief exonerated 150 years too late

    January 21, 2005

    A Washington state “retrial” found Chief Joseph Leschi of the Nisqually tribe innocent of murder charges, clearing Leschi’s name some 150 years after his execution. Leschi was railroaded and hanged in 1858 for allegedly killing a...

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  • Pentagons toxic cocktail: rocket fuel in water

    Pentagons toxic cocktail: rocket fuel in water

    January 21, 2005

    The chemical is call perchlorate — ammonium perchlorate to be exact. It is used in rocket fuel and explosives. There are millions of pounds of this toxin in drinking water and soil nationwide, especially near military...

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  • Global manifest destiny and U.S. base mania

    Global manifest destiny and U.S. base mania

    January 21, 2005 By David Eisenhower

    A doctrine to prevent “potential competitors from ever aspiring to a larger regional or global role” has been American policy since the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1992, then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and his deputy,...

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