Article Listing

  • A desolate building on Cody Avenue

    A desolate building on Cody Avenue

    January 21, 2005

    Workers’ Correspondence I have a route to the train station I’ve been taking since 1981. It starts out in southern Queens, N.Y., and meanders into Ridgewood, Brooklyn. It used to be a bustling route, with people...

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  • LA hotel boycott remains strong

    LA hotel boycott remains strong

    January 21, 2005 By Joseph Hancock And Martha Hancock

    LOS ANGELES — Last Dec. 17, representatives from UNITE-HERE Local 11 rejected the contract proposal from the Los Angeles Hotel Employers Council, stating that the employers’ counteroffer was “a slap in the face.” On Jan. 15,...

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    January 21, 2005

    Palestine: Mutual ceasefire essential Mahmoud Abbas, sworn in as Palestinian National Authority (PNA) president Jan. 15, said last week he will not be pressured into national infighting among Palestinians, but will achieve a mutual ceasefire with...

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  • Kidnapping of FARC leader provokes turmoil

    Kidnapping of FARC leader provokes turmoil

    January 21, 2005

    News Analysis A major storm is brewing between two of South America’s most important countries, and the Bush administration seems to be exploring how to use it for its own ends. On Dec. 13, rogue elements...

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  • Peace deal in Sudan ends 21-year civil war

    Peace deal in Sudan ends 21-year civil war

    January 21, 2005

    The recent peace agreement between the Sudanese government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), headed by rebel leader John Garang, has effectively ended a 21-year-old civil war that claimed more than 1.5 million lives, most...

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