
  • EDITORIAL: A civil rights milestone

    EDITORIAL: A civil rights milestone

    July 28, 2006

    It has been 14 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) went into effect. When the ADA was passed by Congress and signed into law in 1990, it was hailed as a major victory that...

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  • Time to end the Republican war on science

    Time to end the Republican war on science

    July 28, 2006

    WASHINGTON — “The Republican War on Science,” a best-selling book by Chris Mooney, exposes the multipronged offensive by the Bush-Cheney administration and the Republican Party to twist science to their right-wing agenda.. These modern-day “Know Nothings”...

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  • North Carolina pork packers undeterred

    North Carolina pork packers undeterred

    July 28, 2006

    On the same day that hundreds of Smithfield workers in the company’s Tar Heel, N.C., plant boldly wore union T-shirts to work in a show of solidarity, 75 community supporters turned out in support at a...

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  • U.S. troops in Paraguay attract attention

    U.S. troops in Paraguay attract attention

    July 28, 2006

    While the Mercosur meetings were going on in Argentina, more than 2,000 people from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, representing 40 labor union and human rights groups, attended the Second Social Forum of the Triple Border in...

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  • Faulty seals a factor in Sago mine blast

    Faulty seals a factor in Sago mine blast

    July 28, 2006

    BUCKHANNON, W. Va. (PAI) - Faulty seals in an abandoned part of the Sago, W. Va., coal mine were one factor in the lethal Jan. 2 blast that killed 12 miners and injured a 13th, a...

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