
  • Chicagoans march to stop deportations

    Chicagoans march to stop deportations

    July 28, 2006

    CHICAGO — Undaunted by record-breaking midday heat, tens of thousands of people marched for immigrant rights here July 19. Organizers said anywhere from 30,000 to 50,000 people participated. It was Chicago’s third mass immigrant rights action...

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  • Tucsons Grannies rage against Iraq war

    Tucsons Grannies rage against Iraq war

    July 28, 2006

    TUCSON, Ariz. — On July 13 a year ago, five Raging Grannies were arrested here for protesting the war on Iraq. Their alleged crime was entering a military recruiting office and asking to enlist in the...

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  • Giant tollway to bisect Texas

    Giant tollway to bisect Texas

    July 28, 2006

    DALLAS — Although a conspiratorial secrecy shrouds much of the plan, Texans are beginning to find out that tens of thousands of acres will be taken from them to create an incredibly wide transportation corridor running...

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  • Groups returning from Cuba face U.S. govt harassment

    Groups returning from Cuba face U.S. govt harassment

    July 28, 2006

    “We won’t pay any fines, and we will demand our rights at Washington hearings, and we’ll kick up a fuss for a change in the policy to Cuba.” That was Ellen Bernstein, spokesperson for the New...

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  • Despite stem cell veto, scientists and patients fight on

    Despite stem cell veto, scientists and patients fight on

    July 28, 2006

    Stem cell therapy holds awesome potential to cure many of humanity’s most debilitating diseases — Parkinson’s, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and spinal injuries — but promising research was dealt a devastating setback July 19 when President Bush exercised...

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