
  • Calif. agency probes insecticides

    Calif. agency probes insecticides

    July 21, 2006

    SACRAMENTO (AP) — California’s pesticide agency is conducting a review of popular insecticides because many are ending up in urban streams and killing tiny aquatic creatures. The review could lead to restrictions and even bans on...

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  • Stop the Israeli assault on Lebanon and Gaza

    Stop the Israeli assault on Lebanon and Gaza

    July 21, 2006

    Statement by the Communist Party USA The Communist Party USA strongly condemns the Israeli assault on Lebanon which has killed almost 300 mostly civilian Lebanese in its first eight days. Infrastructure has been smashed, thousands of...

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  • Overthrow: Looking beyond the rhetoric

    Overthrow: Looking beyond the rhetoric

    July 21, 2006

    BOOK REVIEW Stephen Kinzer has previously authored or co-authored definitive studies on the CIA’s overthrow of democratic governments in Iran (1953) and in Guatemala (1954). Now in his latest work, “Overthrow,” Kinzer widens the scope of...

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  • NYC renters revolt for home rule

    NYC renters revolt for home rule

    July 21, 2006

    Unique to U.S. cities, New York is a city of renters. Almost two-thirds of us rent the apartments we call home. In New York, being a renter is often lifelong and the only circumstance under which...

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  • Look whos been kidnapped!

    Look whos been kidnapped!

    July 21, 2006

    Hundreds of Palestinian ‘suspects’ have been kidnapped from their homes and will never stand trial It’s the wee hours of the morning, still dark outside. A guerilla force comes out of nowhere to kidnap a soldier....

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