
  • Jobs: now you see them, now you dont

    Jobs: now you see them, now you dont

    July 21, 2006

    Workers and taxpayers often lose twice when states and cities give out huge corporate tax breaks in the name of “economic development.” Consider Raytheon Corp. In a 1995 “job blackmail” episode, it threatened to move jobs...

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    July 21, 2006

    What if? What if India responded to the terrorist attacks in Mumbai (Bombay) in the same fashion as Israel is responding to the kidnapped soldier in Gaza and the Hezbollah bombings and kidnappings from Lebanon? Wouldn’t...

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  • EDITORIAL: Hot topics

    EDITORIAL: Hot topics

    July 21, 2006

    A sweltering heat wave blanketed much of the United States this past week, with thermometers soaring well over 100 degrees in some places. The scorching temperatures sent millions of people searching for relief. While nature treats...

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  • EDITORIAL: The tragedy of Iraq

    EDITORIAL: The tragedy of Iraq

    July 21, 2006

    An average of more than 100 Iraqi civilians are being killed every day, the United Nations reported July 18 — the highest rate since George W. Bush launched his war. The report, based on Iraqi government...

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  • Women face radical right in fight for reproductive rights

    Women face radical right in fight for reproductive rights

    July 21, 2006

    As we enter the 21st century, the status of women is unrecognizable, certainly compared to a century ago, but even to what it was 20-30 years ago. Globalization has profoundly affected women. New millions are employed...

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