
  • World protests over Israeli assault

    World protests over Israeli assault

    July 28, 2006

    Demonstrations against Israel’s war on Lebanon and its continuing assault on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip took place in at least 15 countries and in scores of cities on July 22-23. In Tel Aviv, up to...

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  • Mideast death toll renews call for cease-fire

    Mideast death toll renews call for cease-fire

    July 28, 2006

    U.S., Israel block peace efforts for Lebanon, Gaza His body riddled with shrapnel, Wissam Abdullah, 14, spoke from his hospital bed in the southern Lebanese port city of Sidon. Wissam is one of the few survivors...

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  • Chicago City Council passes Big Box wage law

    Chicago City Council passes Big Box wage law

    July 27, 2006

    CHICAGO — In a 35-14 vote the Chicago City Council passed a wage ordinance, requiring “big box” retailers to pay their workers a living wage. The ordinance will require mega-retailers like Wal-Mart to pay their workers...

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  • PDA Supports Congressman Kucinichs H.Con.Res 450

    PDA Supports Congressman Kucinichs H.Con.Res 450

    July 21, 2006

    Congressman Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, introduced a resolution Wednesday, July 19, that calls on President Bush to appeal to all sides for a cessation of hostilities in the Israeli-Lebanon conflict and to commit the United States to...

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  • Cuba peace caravan members return to U.S.

    Cuba peace caravan members return to U.S.

    July 21, 2006

    The 17th Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba crossed back into the United States via Hidalgo, Texas, on the morning of July 17, after delivering 60 tons of humanitarian aid to Cuba and participating in...

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