
  • Re-federalize Medicare

    Re-federalize Medicare

    August 1, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    With the spotlight on Medicare, especially as it relates to the cost of prescription drugs, now may be a good time to redirect the discussion toward real solutions to the health care crisis.

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  • Workers say: Dont privatize Medicare

    Workers say: Dont privatize Medicare

    August 1, 2003

    PHOENIX – Five arrests were made at a militant protest led by Arizona AFL-CIO leadership in response to ultra-right Senator Jon Kyl’s support for legislation to privatize Medicare. Part of a creative, three-pronged strategy devised by...

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  • Texas governor punishes veterans

    Texas governor punishes veterans

    August 1, 2003

    Texas Governor Rick Perry recently told a Mexican American civil rights group that he was cutting $300,000 in funding that it needs to operate a job training and employment services program for veterans. Perry’s decision appears...

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  • Single parents march for bread and dignity

    Single parents march for bread and dignity

    August 1, 2003

    TEL AVIV – On the highways leading to Jerusalem one can see women, and occasionally a few men, walking on the roadside. They are not pilgrims coming to pray in the “Holy City.” They are single...

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  • U.S. schools and shelters to receive Cuban aid

    U.S. schools and shelters to receive Cuban aid

    August 1, 2003

    The 14th U.S.-Cuba Friendshipment caravan, organized by IFCO/Pastors for Peace, after successfully delivering 80 tons of humanitarian aid to Cuban schools, churches, hospitals, and senior centers last week, returned to the United States via Mexico on...

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