
  • Millions celebrate Cuban revolution

    Millions celebrate Cuban revolution

    August 1, 2003

    Millions of Cubans celebrated the 50th anniversary of the start of the Cuban Revolution with carnivals, dancing, street festivals, parades, meetings and rallies. July 26 is the anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks, which...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    August 1, 2003

    Greece: Lawyers accuse British before ICC The Athens Bar Association charged British Prime Minister Tony Blair and other British ministers with crimes against humanity, in a case filed July 28 with the International Criminal Court at...

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  • Bush threatens Iran, war danger grows

    Bush threatens Iran, war danger grows

    August 1, 2003

    News analysis George Bush once again accused Iran of continuing to “harbor and assist terrorists,” July 21, warning of the consequences. Israel, as well, on July 21, accused Iran of “trying everything” to get nuclear weapons,...

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  • Connecticut Freedom Ride gets rolling

    Connecticut Freedom Ride gets rolling

    August 1, 2003

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. – The basement of St. Rose Church was jam-packed, and the crowd spilled out into the streets for Connecticut’s statewide Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride kick-off rally July 23. The working class neighborhood of...

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  • Philadelphians pan Bushs tax plan

    Philadelphians pan Bushs tax plan

    August 1, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – Chanting protesters with colorful signs lined the streets across from the U.S. Treasury Department offices as a motorcade brought in George W. Bush for a photo-op to bring attention to his “tax credit checks,”...

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