
  • National Urban League: Close equality gap

    National Urban League: Close equality gap

    August 1, 2003

    PITTSBURGH – Celebrating political achievements, business success, and cultural excellence, 3,000 National Urban League (NUL) convention delegates gathered here July 26-30. Thousands of local residents submitted resumes at a job fair, attended conference sessions, received a...

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  • Auto talks and the Medicare drug bill

    Auto talks and the Medicare drug bill

    August 1, 2003

    DETROIT – Union leaders, rank-and-file members and retirees have pledged to hold the line on the health care issue during this summer’s contract talks with the Big Three auto companies and related parts suppliers. A recently...

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  • California recall has makings of coup

    California recall has makings of coup

    August 1, 2003

    News analysis The attempted recall of California Democratic Gov. Gray Davis has all the markings of another Republican Florida-style ballot-box coup. The situation is very fluid and volatile, but the underlying class and social forces are...

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  • Remember Hiroshima  Stop the killing in Iraq!

    Remember Hiroshima Stop the killing in Iraq!

    August 1, 2003

    “End the occupation, Investigate the lies, Bring the troops home now!” are some of the key slogans under which peace groups are organizing for local actions for peace to mark the anniversary of the dropping of...

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  • Thousands caught in deportation nightmare

    Thousands caught in deportation nightmare

    August 1, 2003

    Less than two weeks after Rabih Haddad’s wife vowed to clear the name of her deported husband, she and three of her children have themselves been deported. Salma Al-Rushaid and her children, ages 5 through 13,...

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