
  • LA labor takes stand against war

    LA labor takes stand against war

    January 30, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, representing 360 unions and more than 800,000 members, unanimously passed a resolution against the Bush administration’s drive for war against Iraq, Jan. 27.

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  • Food crisis in Africa

    Food crisis in Africa

    January 30, 2003 By Greg Godwin

    The United Nations estimates that in sub-Saharan Africa 38 million people are in danger of starvation within months. To give this some perspective, this figure is roughly equivalent to the population of Poland or Spain, and...

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  • Sugar workers win strike victory

    Sugar workers win strike victory

    January 30, 2003

    BALTIMORE – Domino Sugar workers voted overwhelmingly, Jan. 11 to ratify a new three-year contract, crowning with victory their 35-day strike at the refinery in the inner harbor here. It was the first strike at the...

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  • Living wage hearing draws a thousand

    Living wage hearing draws a thousand

    January 30, 2003

    SACRAMENTO – Over 1,000 people supporting a living wage ordinance here crowded into a marathon City Council hearing that lasted past midnight, Jan. 9. Another hearing is scheduled for March 4. The living wage ordinance introduced...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    January 30, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Britain: Greenpeace blocks military port / Greece: Demonstrators protest war, anti-labor policies / Turkey: A gain for civil liberties / Korea: Sides seek peaceful solution of nuclear issue / South Africa: Mbeki calls for peace /...

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