
  • Editorials


    January 24, 2003

    There’s still time to stop Bush’s war juggernaut George W. Bush has worked to convince us that an invasion of Iraq is inevitable and resistance futile. But consider the following: * Millions rallied against war on...

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  • Anti-war demos span the globe

    Anti-war demos span the globe

    January 24, 2003

    Millions protested in hundreds of cities, in at least 37 countries around the globe Jan. 18-19 weekend, denouncing the Bush administration’s threat to attack Iraq. Some highlights: Canada: Many thousands demonstrated in over 30 cities including...

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  • Letters


    January 24, 2003

    Anti-Chavez news in the Times New York Times Caracas correspondent Francisco Toro resigned from the newspaper citing his own “conflicts of interest” and “opposition activism” in Venezuela. Narco News published Toro’s resignation letter and important background...

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  • Martin Luther King, Jr. day in Jackson, Miss.

    Martin Luther King, Jr. day in Jackson, Miss.

    January 24, 2003

    JACKSON, Miss. – The annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day march here received an infusion of energy when more than 100 participants from the AFL-CIO Martin Luther King Holiday Conference joined the parade. Linda Chavez-Thompson, AFL-CIO...

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  • AFL-CIO King holiday observance: Rep. challenges Lott to stand for affirmative action

    AFL-CIO King holiday observance: Rep. challenges Lott to stand for affirmative action

    January 24, 2003

    JACKSON, Miss. – Gathered here for the AFL-CIO’s Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observance, over 200 union leaders and members heard Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson condemn George Bush’s most recent attack on affirmative action. The Bush...

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