
  • The real need for steel and Homeland Security

    The real need for steel and Homeland Security

    January 26, 2002

    “When the civilian market is threatened by the glut of foreign imports, the military’s capability is put at risk. We all know the events of [Sept. 11] highlighted the need for a stable domestic steel industry....

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  • Have things really changed since Sept. 11?

    Have things really changed since Sept. 11?

    January 26, 2002

    Has the world changed in fundamental ways since Sept. 11? Most Americans would say that it has, but not everyone shares this view. Some, especially in circles on the left, maintain that the world of Sept....

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  • So long partner!  What happened to my job?

    So long partner! What happened to my job?

    January 26, 2002

    I had always pictured my retirement day as a day of honor and celebration. Handshakes-backslaps-good natured joking, basking in the glow of decades of friendship and satisfaction in a job well done. Instead, on the last...

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  • AFL-CIO celebrates King, maps voter strategy

    AFL-CIO celebrates King, maps voter strategy

    January 26, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    MIAMI, Fla. – Election reform, voting rights and education, together with voter registration and mobilization were the front-burner issues for the nearly 400 participants who attended the AFL-CIO’s celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday here...

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  • Israeli-Palestinian conflict: prospects for peace

    Israeli-Palestinian conflict: prospects for peace

    January 26, 2002

    This week the events in the Middle East dramatized the need for a stronger movement for peace and justice, in the U.S. and internationally. The Peace and Solidarity Commission of the Communist Party USA has issued...

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