
  • Arab-Americans condemn focus on Arabs for deportation

    Arab-Americans condemn focus on Arabs for deportation

    January 18, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) today condemned a new Justice Department policy that will place special attention on 6,000 of the 300,000 deportation “absconders” in the United States because they are young men...

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  • CUNY conducting an anti-immigrant tuition policy

    CUNY conducting an anti-immigrant tuition policy

    January 18, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    NEW YORK – The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) has rallied a coalition of elected, labor, religious and community leaders to condemn the City University of New York’s (CUNY) recent tuition increase for undocumented and out-of-status immigrant...

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  • Enron and the class struggle

    Enron and the class struggle

    January 18, 2002

    Were the consequences not so serious, the Enron debacle would have the makings of quite a comedy. Never have so many capitalists, CEOs, bankers, accountants, stockbrokers, media moguls and politicians all conspired to loot so many...

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  • Bush opens forests to logging

    Bush opens forests to logging

    January 18, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    WASHINGTON – The nation’s number two forest official issued a precedent-setting decision Dec. 17 that could greatly affect America’s National Forests.

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  • Argentina crisis points to U.S.

    Argentina crisis points to U.S.

    January 18, 2002

    Health-care activists in the United States, especially those who follow the international activities of the greedy, ravenous medical industrial complex, see the economic crisis taking place in Argentina as, in part, caused by U.S. corporate interests....

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