
  • CBS takes the low road to Athens story

    CBS takes the low road to Athens story

    January 19, 2002

    ATHENS, Greece – Last week Greek Prime Minister Kostas Simitis visited the White House and Ground Zero, where he expressed the sorrow of the Greek people for the tragic events of Sept. 11. However, upon his...

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  • Peace forces hold forum on war crimes

    Peace forces hold forum on war crimes

    January 19, 2002

    TEL-AVIV – The Gush Shalom peace bloc held a forum here Jan. 9 about the war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli occupation army and security services against the Palestinian people. The speakers, including law professors and...

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  • War for oil? No, theres gas, too!

    War for oil? No, theres gas, too!

    January 19, 2002

    A U.S. Department of Energy report, issued in June 2001, ranked Turkmenistan’s reserve of natural gas, with more than 101 trillion cubic feet, as the fifth largest in the world. According to an article in the...

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  • Everythings backwards at NORNE

    Everythings backwards at NORNE

    January 19, 2002

    Some companies have learned about and adjusted to the new economy. They have become experts at maximizing profits based on the deregulation of energy markets. They have learned to use computer technology and the around-the-world 24/7...

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  • Bush steals elections and ignores terrorism against Cuba

    Bush steals elections and ignores terrorism against Cuba

    January 19, 2002 By John Gilman

    The year 2001 was a very bad year for the people of the world. It started with the inauguration of an illegitimate president, George W. Bush.

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