
  • New Yorks police on rampage, critics charge

    New Yorks police on rampage, critics charge

    June 29, 2007

    BROOKLYN, N.Y. — The New York Police Department is running wild in Black and Latino neighborhoods, using racial profiling as a tool of choice, charges a group of students and residents of Brooklyn’s Bushwick neighborhood. The...

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  • Restore our liberties

    Restore our liberties

    June 29, 2007

    Rights coalition presses to close Gitmo, end torture and bring back habeas corpusWASHINGTON — One week before our nation’s July 4 celebration, thousands of protesters wearing Statue of Liberty crowns and holding signs reading “Torture is...

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  • New terrain requires new tactics

    New terrain requires new tactics

    June 22, 2007 By Sam Webb

    The new balance of forces in Congress, the greatly weakened position of the Bush administration, and the growing activity of the labor-led people’s coalition have rearranged the political playing field in our country. Everyone involved in...

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  • Labor applies Capitol Hill heat for worker rights

    Labor applies Capitol Hill heat for worker rights

    June 22, 2007 By Teresa Albano

    WASHINGTON — No matter how hot and sweaty it got here June 19, support for the Employee Free Choice Act was hotter. Some 3,000 union members and allies rallied on Capitol Hill for the most radical...

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  • Apologizing for slavery and segregation

    Apologizing for slavery and segregation

    June 15, 2007 By Dennis Laumann

    You may not know it living in the United States, but this year most of what historians call the Atlantic World is commemorating the 200th anniversary of the British abolition of the transatlantic slave trade.

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