
  • Californias budget: 85 days late & billions of dollars short

    Californias budget: 85 days late & billions of dollars short

    September 27, 2008

    After an unprecedented nearly three-month delay, California finally has a budget. The $103 billion-plus spending plan — born of a year-long struggle between legislative majority Democrats trying to minimize cuts to social services, minority Republicans rejecting...

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  • Obama lays out vision for 21st century schools

    Obama lays out vision for 21st century schools

    September 27, 2008

    Barack Obama laid out the changes he would bring to the nation’s educational system as president in a forum last month in Dayton, Ohio. He asked why countries like China, India, South Korea and Japan have...

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  • EDITORIAL: Shock and awe revisited

    EDITORIAL: Shock and awe revisited

    September 26, 2008

    The Bush administration developed expertise in the use of “shock and awe” in its Iraq war for oil. Now it is using those tactics in economic warfare against the American people. Having sent over 4,100 Americans...

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  • Latino voters key to Western states

    Latino voters key to Western states

    September 26, 2008

    With the Nov. 4 presidential election just weeks away, a monumental battle is heating up in a few crucial swing states, as some 9 million Latino voters prepare to cast ballots which could be the deciding...

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  • McCain still pushing to privatize Social Security

    McCain still pushing to privatize Social Security

    September 26, 2008

    Advocates for senior citizens and disabled people denounced Republican Presidential nominee John McCain for repeating his call for a Wall Street takeover of Social Security in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great...

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