
  • EDITORIAL: Just plain greed

    EDITORIAL: Just plain greed

    November 9, 2007

    Wall Street wizard Robert E. Rubin, former Clinton treasury secretary, is stepping in to clean up Citigroup, which recently forecast losses of $13 billion due to its role in the subprime mortgage racket. That bubble has...

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  • Factory farming: a cruel and destructive industry

    Factory farming: a cruel and destructive industry

    November 9, 2007

    The recent shared Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and to the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change revealed the UN’s important function as a world body to provide educational leadership in major challenges facing...

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  • Senate defies Bush, approves childrens health care bill

    Senate defies Bush, approves childrens health care bill

    November 9, 2007

    WASHINGTON — The Senate defied President Bush, Nov. 2, and approved for a third time a new version of the SCHIP children’s health care program by a 64-30 vote. Meanwhile, House leaders struggled to win over...

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  • Chryslers signing bonus: pink slip for workers

    Chryslers signing bonus: pink slip for workers

    November 9, 2007

    Rank-and-file roiled by job and shift cuts as tentative deal is reached with Ford Less than a week after Chrysler workers barely approved a concessionary contract, the company’s Nov. 1 announcement that it will slash 10,000...

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  • Is GOP scheming to steal another election?

    Is GOP scheming to steal another election?

    November 9, 2007

    Just weeks ago, a proposed ballot initiative by far-right Republicans with links to presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani seemed dead, after efforts to put it on California’s June primary ballot imploded amid secretive financial maneuvering by its...

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