
  • Dead last: health care quality in the U.S.

    Dead last: health care quality in the U.S.

    June 1, 2007

    A few paragraphs in the executive summary of a new report quickly reveal the brutal truth: Among the six nations studied — Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States — the...

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  • New Yorkers rally for affordable housing

    New Yorkers rally for affordable housing

    June 1, 2007

    NEW YORK — “When I left New York City in the early ’80s, I paid only $150 a month in rent,” said a Jamaican-born cabdriver who participated in last week’s demonstration here against the city’s growing...

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  • Conference aims to grow civil rights/labor alliance

    Conference aims to grow civil rights/labor alliance

    May 25, 2007

    The Communist Party’s African American Equality Commission will hold a conference in St. Louis on June 8-10. Jarvis Tyner, CPUSA executive vice chair, told the World that the conference is aimed at bringing party members and...

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  • When the market god isnt worshipped

    When the market god isnt worshipped

    May 18, 2007

    The Republicans, the neocons, the fundamentalist right wing, all make a god of “the market.” The market is the be-all and end-all, the ultimate trump card. The market is the solution they propose for everything —...

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  • Faith-based emergency preparedness

    Faith-based emergency preparedness

    May 18, 2007

    With Iraq, Hurricane Katrina and the Walter Reed hospital scandal — maybe you thought that the incompetence of the White House had bottomed out. But ... here comes another embarrassment bubbling to the surface. While the...

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