
  • ONeill spills beans on White House

    ONeill spills beans on White House

    January 16, 2004

    Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill has become one of the Bush re-election campaign’s worst nightmares. In a book published this week by Ron Suskind, “The Price of Loyalty,” O’Neill joins a growing list of former officials...

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  • Health care is pivotal in 2004

    Health care is pivotal in 2004

    January 9, 2004 By Phil E. Benjamin

    The 2004 elections are a dramatic backdrop to the fight back against the Bush Medicare wrecking ball.

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  • Does bilingualism make you smarter?

    Does bilingualism make you smarter?

    January 9, 2004

    Become smarter by taking these english lessons and even plan for your online degree today. You can take courses to learn spanish and become bilingual in no time!

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    January 9, 2004

    OLYMPIA, Wash.: Ballot measure opposes nuclear waste dump A petition campaign to enable voters to decide to halt the federal government from dumping nuclear waste in this state garnered 280,000 signatures of registered voters. A coalition...

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  • Philly schools hurt by GOP schemes

    Philly schools hurt by GOP schemes

    January 9, 2004

    News Analysis Even before George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act, Philadelphia was being set up for school privatization and similar measures now encompassed in the federal law. Former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge (R) had...

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