
  • Protesters occupy Baltimore School Board

    Protesters occupy Baltimore School Board

    December 19, 2003

    BALTIMORE – Hundreds of chanting students, parents, and school employees rallied outside the Baltimore School Board on Dec. 9 to protest the layoff of 1,000 school workers, a drastic measure to reduce a $52 million school...

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  • Attack on California workers comp

    Attack on California workers comp

    December 12, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    The attack on the California Workers’ Compensation system, being orchestrated by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s corporate think tanks, dramatizes the importance of workers’ comp in state politics.

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  • Public Health Association opposes new drug bill

    Public Health Association opposes new drug bill

    December 12, 2003

    Shortly before Congress passed the Bush administration-sponsored Medicare drug bill, the American Public Health Association said the bill “creates real problems in access to and the cost of prescription drug for seniors,” and urged its members...

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  • States face fiscal crisis

    States face fiscal crisis

    December 12, 2003 By David Eisenhower

    In 2004, states across the country will be experiencing their fourth straight year of budget woes. While the official explanation tends to blame a weak economy for anemic revenues, a closer examination reveals that federal policies...

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  • Gay, womens groups build April 25 march

    Gay, womens groups build April 25 march

    December 12, 2003

    NEW YORK – As the gay rights movement grew in influence in the last decade, Richard Burns says, conservative gay groups have become more vocal, seeking to push the movement to the right. He cited the...

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