
  • Black, Latino leaders hit voter remap bias

    Black, Latino leaders hit voter remap bias

    January 9, 2004

    AUSTIN, Texas – A three-judge panel Jan. 6 upheld a districting plan conceived by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) to add eight or more Republicans to the Texas congressional delegation. But Black and Latino leaders...

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  • Raising spirits and funds from coast to coast

    Raising spirits and funds from coast to coast

    December 19, 2003

    From one end of the country to the other, readers of the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo have come together to show their support for this newspaper. Over waffles, pancakes, buffet dinners and more, they’ve honored local...

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  • Medicare reform a threat to women

    Medicare reform a threat to women

    December 19, 2003 By Annie Fox

    The Bush administration, the right wing of the Republican Party, and the health insurance industry have achieved a remarkable feat – the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 is a major threat to...

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  • Pennsylvanians demand school funding

    Pennsylvanians demand school funding

    December 19, 2003

    HARRISBURG, Pa. – Protesters organized by Good Schools Pennsylvania lined the steps of the Capitol Rotunda here Dec. 9 with a strong message for the State Senate: “Pass an education budget that greatly increases funding for...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    December 19, 2003

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.: Living wage victory Workers employed by private companies that receive Sacramento city money will ring in the New Year with a raise. On Dec. 9, the City Council in a 6-2 vote established a...

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