Tunisian uprising inspires democracy fight
January 27, 2011The North African country of Tunisia exploded with a mass democratic uprising in December 2010 and it is still unfolding today with regional repercussions.
Read moreSouthern Sudan begins vote on separation
January 6, 2011Voters in southern Sudan, over a one-week period beginning this Sunday as scheduled, will be choosing between unity and separation.
Read moreSudanese protest lashing of woman
December 16, 2010Sudanese women's rights activists and allies protested the beating of a young woman by laughing police officers that was captured on video and circulated around the world.
Read moreGbagbo refuses to cede power after elections in Cote d’Ivoire
December 8, 2010A look at the current political crisis in Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
Read moreWorld Notes: China, Afghanistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Nigeria, Germany, Cuba
September 30, 2010China-Russia ties, Afghanistan deaths, green industry in Caribbean, Nigeria's oil, lifetime jobs in Germany, U.S.-Cuba trade.
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