health care
Michigan expands Medicaid despite tea party obstructers
August 28, 2013Add Michigan, barely, to the list of states implementing a key part of Obamacare, the expansion of Medicaid, known locally as the "Healthy Michigan" plan.
Read moreMiners’ protest against Peabody continues despite settlement
August 13, 2013The union is continuing its fight for retired miners and their families in the courts, in Congress and through community action.
Read moreCounseling center shutdown teaches important health care lessons
August 13, 2013A right-wing governor has used an unreliable study and nonexistent federal requirements to replace local, community-based, nonprofit health care providers with out-of-state for-profit companies.
Read more“We’ve got a long way to go” for decent health care
July 23, 2013Recently I have had the misfortune of visiting the emergency room twice - once with my father, who had had a stroke, and once as a patient, due to a dislocated knee.
Read moreThree unions call for Obamacare redo
July 19, 2013WASHINGTON - The presidents of the Teamsters, the United Food and Commercial Workers and Unite Here have asked congressional Democratic leaders to redo the 2010 health insurance law to prevent firms from converting workers from full-time...
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