
  • Auto talks and the Medicare drug bill

    Auto talks and the Medicare drug bill

    August 1, 2003

    DETROIT – Union leaders, rank-and-file members and retirees have pledged to hold the line on the health care issue during this summer’s contract talks with the Big Three auto companies and related parts suppliers. A recently...

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  • The scandal of vanishing vacation time

    The scandal of vanishing vacation time

    July 25, 2003 By David Eisenhower

    From Berlin, New York Times correspondent Richard Bernstein reports on what he presents as the question of the day: Have Germans “become too addicted to leisure time for their own good?”

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  • UAW fights for pay, health care, pensions

    UAW fights for pay, health care, pensions

    July 25, 2003

    Negotiations on a new contract between the United Auto Workers and the Big Three automakers have begun. Most of the speculation in the news media has focused on the so-called “dire straits” that the auto companies...

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  • Unthinkable  Undrinkable. Stop the killing, boycott Coke

    Unthinkable Undrinkable. Stop the killing, boycott Coke

    July 25, 2003

    “We are doing this to save the lives of our members,” declared Colombian union leader Javier Luis Correa, launching an international boycott of Coca-Cola products July 22. Correa, president of Colombia’s National Union of Food Industry...

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  • Rubber workers fight for jobs, families

    Rubber workers fight for jobs, families

    July 25, 2003

    PITTSBURGH – Until there is a flat or a broken belt, usually in the dead of winter, middle of nowhere, tires or rubber belts are not even a blip on the radar. Unless, that is, you’re...

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