
  • County votes to join Tyson boycott

    County votes to join Tyson boycott

    July 18, 2003

    MADISON, Wis. – Backed by a display of public support, arguments for solidarity won the day as the Dane County Board of Supervisors voted here July 10 to suspend its purchases of all products made by...

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  • UAW sets national priorities

    UAW sets national priorities

    July 11, 2003

    DETROIT – “The only time I’m going backward is when I’m in my car backing out of a parking spot,” said United Auto Workers President Ron Gettlefinger at a press conference at the union’s Solidarity House,...

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  • Building community the union way

    Building community the union way

    July 11, 2003

    How do you fight diabetes by kissing a pig? Midge Collette, the president of Amalgamated United Auto Workers Local 292 in Kokomo, Ind., knows. After the members of her union, who build auto parts at the...

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  • Day laborers fight for justice

    Day laborers fight for justice

    July 11, 2003

    CHICAGO – The Workers’ Center was up in two hours. The work was done July 2 by about 25 Latino immigrant day laborers who took up a collection, bought some two-by-fours and plywood, and nailed them...

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  • Unemployment up, Black youth hardest hit

    Unemployment up, Black youth hardest hit

    July 11, 2003

    Nothing in the June unemployment report – unemployment up 0.3 percent to 6.4 percent with 11 million workers either unemployed, forced to work part-time or too “discouraged” to look for non-existent jobs, and two million workers...

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