
  • 86,000 telecom workers OK strike against Verizon

    86,000 telecom workers OK strike against Verizon

    July 25, 2003

    A major labor struggle is now under way in the eastern U.S., pitting 60,000 members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and 26,000 members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) against the communications...

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  • UNITE! lives up to its name

    UNITE! lives up to its name

    July 25, 2003

    LAS VEGAS, Nev. – “This union speaks many languages. We are many different colors. We’re marching shoulder-to-shoulder because our weapon is solidarity. Take one of us on and you’ve taken on all of us,” declared President...

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  • Lawmakers tell Cintas: Respect workers

    Lawmakers tell Cintas: Respect workers

    July 18, 2003

    WASHINGTON – Cintas workers held up a banner that read, “Uniform Justice,” at a July 9 Capitol Hill news conference as lawmakers flayed the $2 billion uniform laundry firm for harassment of their workers to keep...

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  • Landslide victory for Head Start workers

    Landslide victory for Head Start workers

    July 18, 2003

    Union density for Head Start workers in San Diego County reached 100 percent when 186 workers at Episcopal Community Services (ECS) Head Start recently voted 168-7 for Service Employees International Union Local 2028. Now employees will...

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  • Organizing at America West

    Organizing at America West

    July 18, 2003

    Chara, from Tucson, Ariz., sends the following report about the organizing campaign of customer service representatives (CSRs) at America West Airlines. I am a CSR of 19 years, and I am an organizer. This is the...

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