Thousands drown out GOP at Michigan Capitol
March 18, 2011The Rally for Michigan Families was the largest and most diverse demonstration since protests against the Republican attack began here a month ago. "The Republicans could never have a rally like this," said one participant.
Read moreYour mailman talks about St. Patrick’s Day and workers who vote Republican
March 11, 2011St. Patrick's Day marks the 41st anniversary of the Great Postal Strike of 1970. The key to our dismal conditions then was this: we had no collective bargaining rights.
Read moreMichigan scientists urge support for EPA
March 9, 2011More than 160 scientists from major universities across Michigan this week urged support for the Environmental Protection Agency, calling the federal agency's role essential to protecting the public health.
Read more1,000 Michigan workers lobby: Save our communities!
March 9, 2011Workers answered the Michigan AFL-CIO's call and turned out in force March 8 to lobby the state Senate against budget cuts and takeovers of cities and schools.
Read moreSnyder budget means more pain for Michigan workers
February 18, 2011The budget reduces business taxes by $1.8 billion. This deficit-creating proposal is made up for by increasing taxes on seniors and families by $1.7 billion.
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